Rajeev Namdeo Rana lidhorI

शनिवार, 4 मार्च 2023

अनुवादित रचनाएं

अनुवादित रचनाएं
विश्व हिंदी लघुकथा संग्रह
संपादक व अनुवादक- बेबी कारफरमा (कोलकाता)
दिनांक- जनवरी 2023
बांग्ला में अनुवादित दो लघुकथाएं

1-लालच 2- अपनी छाया

2 मराठी में अनुवादित लघुकथा
3-मराठी में अनुवादित लघुकथा
4-मराठी में अनुवादित लघुकथा
5-पंजाबी में अनुवादित ग़ज़ल

4-मराठी में अनुदित हाइकु कविता

5- अंग्रेजी के अनुदित एक लघुकथा

The soup part-2 (Bhopal) 2021

Laghukatha :- 'Kindness'

In the vegetable market, a poor widow used to sell vegetables, but a very few people would buy from her, may be because , her appearance was not attractive also she would sell them at a higher rate. 
But I deliberately would often buy expensive vegetables from her  thinking of her as a widow, also I felt pity on her condition as to how that lady was able to manage things being all alone.  My act may not be so impressive and may be not sufficient enough for her livelihood. But as per one of the proverb, ‘Something is better than nothing’ inspired me and honestly speaking it gave me a lot of self-satisfaction despite of all her conditions. 

-Rajeev Namdeo ‘Rana Lidhori', tikamgarh

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